Regular Sittings

Every Week - Monday 19:30 to 21:30 at Crystal Cloud Zendo (River Valley Road, Singapore)

Next Sesshin / Zazenkai

To be announced soon

Our members practise Zen meditation under the guidance of authentic teachers from the Sanbo Zen Lineage in order to come to a clear and experiential realization of their true nature (kensho). Though Buddhist in origin, we believe that Zen transcends religion and we welcome people of all religious background who are earnestly searching for the truth.

The practice of zazen will also improve one's concentration, equanimity and flexibility of the mind.

Registered since 1985 with the Singapore Registry of Societies, the Zen Society is affiliated to the Sanbo Zen Lineage. This school of Zen combines the practices of the two main Zen sects i.e. Soto and Rinzai Zen. Thus, we practise both shikantaza (just sitting) as well as koan study. Besides zazen, guidance include dokusans (personal interviews) and teishos (Dharma Talks) conducted by the resident teachers.

We hold regular weekly group sittings on Monday's, Zazenkais (day long sittings) and Sesshins (meditation retreats).

We donate for the rental every time we sit.